Sunday, October 5, 2014

Work Hard, Play Hard

Over the past two years, I have been fortunate to travel to various towns & cities throughout the country for work. Most of these places I would have never imagined visiting. With that said, I try to make the most of my business trips by being a tourist and trying new things.

I've visited...
Savannah, Georgia
Arlington, Texas
San Franciso, California
Tuscon, Arizona
Spokane, Washington
Driven hundreds of miles

and stayed in a few crazy places... 

 The best part is sometimes I get to take a few days off and see my family & friends.
I was recently in Sacramento for work and met up with some relatives for an impromptu dinner.
Dinner with Janice, Dexter, Dannikha and baby Danielle in California!

The following day....
The hubby met me in Los Angeles
We spent the day walking around Santa Monica
 A beautiful day!
Fun in the sun with my bro!
Reg & Kristy walking on the Pier

Tourist picture
 On Friday afternoon, Kelly and I attended the wedding of my good college friend Aimee in Manhattan Beach.

Breathtaking venue
Selfie before the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Foord!
The beautiful bride- Aimee
Ashley and Brendan
Amazing reception
After a fun night of dinner and dancing, Kel & I woke up at 4:30am on Saturday to catch the first flight to San Francisco. Our besties, Chase and Carolyn, moved out to SF a few months ago and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see them.

Chase, Caro and Hugo picked us up from the airport and we took a little road-trip to Lake Tahoe. A few of their friends were up there for the weekend so we joined in on the fun. We had such a wonderful time and are lucky we got to experience the lake. The sun was shining and the water was clear. I jumped in and instantly had a brain freeze, the water was super cold.

Perfect day
Crystal clear blue water
Brews on the boat
Good times with old friends
The next morning we gathered ourselves and said goodbye to Lake Tahoe. 
We trekked back to San Fran to explore the city.

Thanks to Reg & Kristy, Ashley & Bren and The Philips for hosting us during our trip to California. So glad that we were able to see you all.  

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