Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Super duper long roadtrip to Atlanta

I woke up later than expected on Saturday. 
 The plan was to wake up at 6am and head over to mom and Ronnie's condo. Then we would start our roadtrip to the South. Needless to say, the company party was too much fun and I overslept.
Mom, Ronnie and I finally got out the door at 11:30 AM.
We took a quick stop in Woodbridge, VA to say season's greeting to Ninong Celso and Ninang Jane. 
I forgot to take a picture with them, but here is a nice photo of them.

[Time- 2:45pm] Keanu was wrestling in a tournament at the Richmond Motor Speedway, so we took a pit stop to say hello to everyone. It was my first time meeting Kane, isn't he handsome!
[3:30pm] Back on the road.
The sky was clear on the way back home, we saw 8 shooting stars.
After multiple stops for food, gas and potty breaks. We FINALLY made it home at 2AM on Sunday.

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