Monday, June 20, 2016

St. George, FL

Summer has officially begun!
I only have 3 more weeks of maternity leave.  This week I got to enjoy it with the Nyquist/Donges family on a beach trip in St. George Island.
Philip did such a great job on the 7 hour car ride to Florida. 
He was a happy little boy as long as we were moving.
Mom and Dad were lucky and got a sweet room at the house. Philip was all smiles as slept comfortably in the closet so he could see the stars from his nightlight.
I love this place, I really do. This was my 3rd time to St. George and its always so peaceful.
I'll admit this year was tough. I have been anxious for months about coming on this trip with a newborn. Together Kelly & I stuck to Philip's schedule and enjoyed the vacation the best we could. 
Mornings on the beach were very relaxing. I took Philip for a 2 mile walk on the beach while Kel threw in a few lines.
This is exactly the reason I do NOT go in the water.
Look at the size of that shark!
Thank goodness he starting reeling in fish.
Kel had quiet the audience as he cleaned up his catch.
I have to admit the fish was mighty delicious.
Philip had a few firsts this trip- the beach and the pool. We lathered Philip with sunscreen, put on his bathing suit and he was all set for his first pool experience.  
Mom is a little short to hold Philip in the water. He feels much more comfortable in Dads arms. 
If Philip wasn't in the pool he was poolside watching the family.
I knew I wasn't going to soak up the sun on the beach like I normally do. 
I couldn't have asked for a better beach bum to hang out with in the shade.
After much fun in the sun, everyone enjoyed a little break from the heat to hang out indoors.
The littles ate their lunches.
Awhile the big kids played a few card games with TeeTah.
Some caught up on much needed sleep.
Philip had a great time with his cousins; next time he will be playing in the sand with them.
Chooch and Hattie made Philip smile. 
Kate made sure he was all snuggled up for nigh nigh.
LB was a great babysitter and multi-tasker!
Evenings were enjoyed watching the Copa tournament and playing games.
 The kids even wanted to give Philip his bottles!!
One evening we took family photos, they are hectic, sweaty but we always enjoy the sunset on the beach.
I love this kid so much!
Hattie is growing up so fast! Last time were were in St. George she was 3 weeks old.
These are the most amazing fathers with their little men. 
Picture perfect.
The ladies gathered for a photo op.
My heart melts every single time I see these two together- my lovies 
I truly can't believe we are now a family of three.
My boys are so very handsome. I am such a lucky girl!
This little mama got a nice 2 hours break- adult time!
 A friendly game of- show me your nutz!
Followed by some pool time
Lots of shenanigans at the pool.
I most definitely don't tell you how much you mean to me. Yes, you do all the landscaping, cooking and cleaning but more importantly you are an amazing father. I see the way you look at Philip and the way he responds to you. Thank you for being my everything.
A yummy family dinner 
We all looked forward to this trip and our time together flew by.
Another fun family vacation, now back to reality.
Until next time St. George.
Yikes, I only a few more weeks until I have to go back to work!

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