Sunday, June 26, 2016

3 months

We made it home safely and slowly got back into our new routine.
Seriously how is Philip 3 months old already? 
He has discovered his hands and put his fingers in his mouth
 ...all the time
..story of our lives.
 Early birds enjoy spending their mornings together. 
 Callie is still getting used to having Philip around.  Our fur baby better start loving on her baby because he isn't going anywhere.
 With a blink of an eye this little boy will be chasing Callie around the house.
We recently introduced the Wubbanub to  Philip. I admit I was hesitate but he absolutely loves his new bink. He doesn't know how to put the link back in his mouth just yet but he will soon. This week Philip started taking naps in his crib.
However, the swing is still our go to if he needs a long interrupted nap. 
 Callie loves nap time! It's her playtime in the backyard.
Little man is growing and finally getting some rolls.
 Philip is considered a supporter sitter. He loves to play with anything that makes music and lights up.
Someone is very excited for bedtime.
 Happy 3 months Philip!
 Work it out buddy.
 14 weeks of maternity leave has been a blessing.
Its time for mama to get back to work. 

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