Tuesday, July 26, 2016

4 months

Happy 4 months Philip!
We took a visit to see Dr. Bergman this week. 
Lola came along to hold you tight for your vaccinations.
You are 15 pounds which puts you in the 41% percentile and are 24 inches long which means you are in 15% percentile for height. Sorry son, you may have gotten your mama's height.
During the week Philip and Lolo watch their daily dose of Westerns.
This week he took you to the park for your first ride in a swing.

He keeps you company telling you stories and sings songs.

These days you are a supported sitter and enjoy sitting on the counter watching Lola cook in her new kitchen.
All in all you keep everyone busy during the day.
 Thanks to Babywise you can fall asleep anywhere!
 Now that I am back to work, I live for the weekends when I get to spend time with you.
Daddy loves playing with you and watching Sports Center together.

Callie too!
Philip meet Sofia your new friend. 
 Mom & Dad decided it was time to introduce you to rice cereal.
 You still dislike tummy time but will tolerate it when you can play with your turtle that plays music and lights up.
 Keep on growing buddy!

Monday, July 11, 2016

4th of July with the Manuels

After a long travel day from PA the Manuels made it safely to Georgia.
The cousins enjoyed time together splashing in the pool.
Mom & Dad worked while Philip had fun with everyone.
There is always time for a photo.

Philip loves the water!
Brunch with the family at Uptown Cafe!

Thanks to Babywise Philip can sleep anywhere.

Our little family staying home while the rest went to play at the Aquarium.

 You can't celebrate the Fourth of July with a cookout.
The crew came over to our house to eat some burgers, hot dogs and other yummy food.
 Philip with his Kuya Keanu.
 I love watching my family be together making memories in our home.
 Sweet Kane is growing up so fast.
 Kalea enjoyed playing with Callie in the yard. Look at those smiles!
 Philip loves having our PA family in town.
 Mitzi and Russ headed to Vegas for a long deserved vacation.
Lola & Lolo watched 5 kids during the day for 5 days. They are truly champions!
 Kuya Keanu, Ate Kaila and Ate Kalea helped with the newborn duties.
 Especially loving on our baby boy.
 We took the older kids out for a little adventure to Slingshot.
These two swung,
and stretched until they were exhausted.
 They had a need for speed and buckled up for some racing.
Kaila was a safe driver and went under the speed limit and was lapped by her brother.
What an amazing time we had with our family.
Love you guys so much! Come back and visit us!