Saturday, January 30, 2016

30 weeks

It has been cold for a few weeks now. This week I have tried to get myself out there and exercise.
Our walks are short these days but its nice to get the blood pumping through my legs.
I really wanted to be that pregnant women who is in shape and toned. It's not happening, I would rather hibernate.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

29 weeks

Some people treat themselves to prenatal massages, mani-pedia or haircuts, well I am treating myself to a teeth cleaning. I hate to admit it but its been awhile since I've seen the dentist.
Wherever I can put my feet up for an hour is just fine with me.
Even if your dentist tells you some off the wall stories about labor & delivery.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

28 weeks

I made myself a promise to keep documenting the remaining weeks of my pregnancy, no matter what.
Being pregnancy during the winter is very comfortable. My go to outfit these days has been wearing jeans, a t-shirt and cardigan with boots. 
I can't imagine sweating in Georgia heat with a summer pregnancy. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Baby Shower in Baltimore

Flying solo during your third trimester is a little scary.
Don't you worry I took full advance of this belly and boarded early.
I am so lucky that my godmother, Ninang Letty, and the Garcia Family hosted my baby shower.
The Garcia's have always been a part of my life every since I was a child.
 Celebrating special moments in my life.
Being a little flower girl in their wedding.
Most recently they traveled all the way to Jamaica to be part of our wedding.
My Ninang absolutely loves to throw a good party. 
The party decorations were phenomenal.
The clotheslines full of baby clothes were adorable.
The basement was decked with all shades of blue for this little boy.
The Gayondatos made my favorite cake in the world- yummy butter cream cake
The cake theme may have changed but the recipe tastes the same as when I had the cakes growing up.
and not to forget chocolate covered pretzels for favors.
Tiffany made thoughtful favors for the guests too!
My mom and Ninang made delicious entrees for all the guests
My favorite desserts!

So many people I love in the same place, it felt like our wedding all over again.
My Ninangs and Ninongs
 Mama Livia and the girls.
 All my Titas
 My girlfriends from college. 
I am sad I missed a photo opportunity with Jess, Phoebe and Jenny.
 My beautiful mom and selfless Ronnie.
 Everyone is so excited to welcome you into this world Baby Boy Nyquist.
 We may live in Georgia but we are only a short plan ride away from our Filipino family.

Monday, January 11, 2016

27 weeks

The days are shorter and the nights seems longer.
Lately you can find us snuggled up on the couch watching football.
He can be Redskins fans while in my belly. 
I will be flying solo in the household on future Redskins/Bears game days. 
Callie sure loves her baby.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Callie's Playdates

Our furry four legged has been thrilled to have daily playdates with her Lola and Lola.
Trips to the bank, grocery store and best of all the PARK!
Lucky girl gets to run around and exercise her legs.
Roll around in the grass.
Walk the trails along the Hooch.
 and her favorite snuggle under the covers with her lovies.
Oh sweet little Callie, enjoy the attention before your world is turned upside down with infant cries & giggles and mounds of toys.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

26 weeks

I felt good this  26th week and headed to the gym to workout.
I have been having a tough time coming to grips with the fact that going to the gym is not about getting toned up but rather staying active. I am getting bigger each day and my breathe is shorter.

This is temporary and once this little bundle of joy arrives I will get back in shape- at least that is what I keep telling myself. It's sad when you jump on the elliptical and your belly hits the machine with every motion.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Bringing in the New year

We spent a casual New Years Eve with the Patels and Donges.
The big kids enjoyed their typical bourbon tasting.
While Priya set up a gelato tasting for the littles.
Aunt Jen and baby boy Nyquist were a tad jealous of those yummy treats.
Kel and I are enjoying our nights out while we can.
Looking forward to 2016!