Friday, February 27, 2015


Before you read this post, you have to understand that we rarely if ever get snow in Atlanta.
Last year when we had Snowmageddon, the city shut down for a whole week. People were stranded, schools were out, business were closed. It was no joke.
We woke up one morning this week, to white stuff outside on the ground. Sure it might be a small amount and Northerners may giggle at my excitement. But snow is snow.
This four-legged was thrilled to wear her new coat and play outside.

This lady was smiling to be off of work and put on her winter coat
And this goober went to work.
As much as I love the snow, I think we are all ready for Spring.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Get 'er done

We love having guests stay at our home. However, I'm sure they don't enjoy being woken up early while we are fussing around in the kitchen making coffee. 
So we decided to add a privacy door between the guest suite and kitchen. 
 A true DIY project. Kelly and Ben built the barn door a few weeks ago.
It was tough decision figuring out what color to paint the door. As you'll see the hallway is already dark with gray walls and wood flooring. I thought staining the entire door would be too much. 
So we opting for a white background with dark stain on the trim.
 The door looks fabulous! Way better than those photos I saw on Pinterest.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Ben and Becca took a quick trip to the West Coast.
So we got to watch little miss Kate for a day and a half. A few things we learned about Reisch
 She sure loves her applesauce.
She thinks its funny to throw her binkies over the side of her pack and play...instead of napping.
If you need some quiet time turn on Baby Einstein or a kid show.
 Kate feeds Wrigley her puffs when she's full
What you don't see is Kate walking all around he house and talking. It's tough to keep up with that munchkin. Aunt Jen and Callie were exhausted after babysitting. 
Would we do it again? In a heartbeat we love that little girl.